Scroll down or click below for more details on past and future giveaways!
Current Giveaways!
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Completed Giveaways!
Good luck! :)
Current Giveaways
I do not currently have a giveaway running. :( If you'd like to run a giveaway on my blog, please scroll down to the Upcoming Giveaways section for more information!
Upcoming Giveaways!
At the moment I have no upcoming giveaways planned. :(
Would you like to run a giveaway on my blog? If so, send me a Convo on Etsy, or send me an email at Autumn2May @ :)
Completed Giveaways!
October 4th - October 18th
Dim won a cute kitty named Mia from ThreadbareKnitter!

You can see the details from this contest here.
*Mandatory Disclaimer*
I received no monetary compensation for this review. I have personally purchased a kitten in the past and have seen this kitten in person. Threadbare knitter is my cousin, and I photograph all her pieces for her. All opinions expressed here are truthful and mine. Your opinions may vary. :)
September 20th - October 4th
Cindy from hellcatvintage won a sample of candied bacon from HashDelectableEdible!

You can see the details from this contest here.
*Mandatory Disclaimer*
I received no monetary compensation for this review. I did receive a product sample of the bacon to review, but the cookies I purchased myself. All opinions expressed here are truthful and mine. Your opinions may vary. :)